About us.
Your reliable consulting market experts.
Who we are
What we stand for
We offer an exciting and relevant look at the consulting market today and in the future and constantly optimize and expand our products and services: for customer companies, for consulting companies.

Every project constellation and every consulting need is subject to specific premises. We take this fact into account with a flexible structure of our meta-consulting modules: Our services are structured in such a way that they can be used comprehensively or selectively.

Innovative concepts and services for the identification, evaluation and selection of management consultants and experts for customers. In order to optimally close the company's internal knowledge gaps through efficient screening of the market and perfect matching.

Our credo is delivering highest quality: we never leave your consulting project to chance. From the detailed requirements specification to the long list and the short list recommendation, we systematically keep an eye on your project success.

Methodically Sound
We work with modern methods, algorithms and databases, have an extensive network and knowledge of the consulting market and rely on our team's many years of experience. We stand for security, credibility, expertise, honesty, objectivity and trust.